general in Discord Squad

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Never thought I'd see the day...

Thiz is me guys

Cleveland brown art

Hi everybody! I just wanted to thank all of you for support and playing the CodeRoom. I saw some reactions to this game (pretty fun). Of course, I know some problems, and I'm going to work on it in the next projects. Btw, what's next? I don't remember...👻

Dont trust them! They are CRIMINALS I tell you!

CodeRoom is out! Enjoy!(Don't forget to read the description to the game)

I want this

Hey-hey there!

Can you hear it? Oh, yes!

CodeRoom is going to come out today! Release in 18:00/19:00(Kyiv/Moscow time)! Please, enjoy!🔐

See ya

Just playing Minecraft on my server MineDream. By the way, this is Java server, but I connected with Bedrock. For me, this is still magic⛏️

They call your dad leonardo because the chances you are honest are zero.